Cappuccino Latte Coffee Printer:
Rainbow RB-04HP cappuccino latte coffee printer with edible ink was manufactured as a homemade printer with economic print head. It is the upgrade level of 01HP one cup coffee printer. The latte art printing machine is very easy operation for even new user. It is very popular in restaurant, coffee shops, 4S shops,. etc. The quick printing speed can attract more clients which the ink-saving print head highly save the ink cost.
1. Cappuccino latte coffee printer uses HP bubble-jet print head still. The HP technology makes the print head printing speed quick and very ink saving. It makes the printer to be more intellective and have nice printing version with the max resolution 600*600dpi. This new cappuccino latte coffee printer expands the tray size to 20*20cm, so that it can print bigger size cake, cookies, food. What’s more, if you want, it can print 4 cups coffee by one time. The new one is more multi-functional.

2. The cappuccino selfie coffee printer is automatic height adjustment which suitable for cups between 8-17cm. The printing speed is very fast which can achieve 10 seconds for one cup of coffee picture printing. Latte art printing machine can print cake. cookies, bread, Macarons, etc. Also, it can achieve quick speed on cake printing while slower compare with coffee printing.
3. Latte art coffee printer can also printing on flower with a flower holder, when do not print flower, take it off and it can print coffee too. Flower and coffee can not print at the same time.
4.Cappuccino latte art coffee printer is equiped with Showcup printing software. It can print any image you want. You can upload picture to the software from mobile phone by scan the QR, it is very convenient and quick. Also with divination Software of the 3d coffee printer, it can predict “answers” from questions, and you never know what is the output answer.
5. You can scan the QR code of the coffee printer to transit the pictures through your mobile phone directly. Also, you can write any words with the color you like on the picture to get the output.
6. Rainbow selfie coffee printing machine automatic food printing machine is suitable for printing picture on coffe, milk, cake, cookie, chocolate and other drinks with cappuccino on it. With fast printing speed up to 10s/cup and print with high resolution, the coffee printer can get perfect printing quality.