How to make a business with DTG printer?

dtg printer

How to make a business with DTG printer?

Only about 50% of companies last for 5 years! Fifty percent!!!
The probability of failure or success is actually 50-50! So if you want to start a DTG printer t-shirt business, you must take the key steps to make sure you are on the successful side. With such a high stake, you can’t easily enter the industry!
With our help, you can minimize the risk of starting your business by considering the following five simple tips for starting a DTG.


1.narrow down!

A common mistake most new printing companies make is that they are so excited about the shiny new printer that they finally forget the fact that before starting a business, they need to have a clear picture of what they will print. idea. Whether it’s a clothing brand or a printing industry, you need to know what clothing you will print from the start, what they will look like, and everything you need to narrow your choices for a specific target audience. Consider your customer base (whether established or not) and what you think/know that they will respond best to what. Don’t blindly enter this industry, don’t know what you will offer!

2. Do your research!
Another mistake made by the new printing companies is that they have not correctly studied the problems that they will enter the logistics field. Before officially opening your business, you will need a license, business license, trademark company name, and other official documents. Consult a DTG consultant to find out what is needed to carry out DTG business. Don’t foolishly try to “get out of the book” or you will find yourself in trouble and lose at 50-50 odds. In addition to licensing, you also need to study startup costs, your competitors and your customer base by understanding the trends in your niche market. Ensure that you still insist on high-quality service/products while making cost-effective decisions. However, it is also necessary to know what kind of impact your operating costs will have in order to determine your price point so that you can obtain the correct way to return on investment and net profit. A key idea affecting this is to study your competitors. Knowing the competitor’s charging standard to help set the price point can not only maintain competition but also affect your customer base and choose you instead of others. The most important part of your research should be your customer base! How can you please them and how can you get more? Find out the research trend of your niche market by looking at the hot tags/blogs/hot posts in the community in your market.

3.Cost-effectiveness of design!
It is very important to save startup costs by getting familiar with the basic knowledge of cost-effective design procedures. This can save costs by authorizing your business to sign more complex custom jobs with graph
ic designers only when needed. There are all kinds of the digital art software, ranging from free to $500, but a common misconception is that you need the most expensive software to create the best art. Although it is true in some technical aspects, real artists can naturally take any medium they’ re giving back and produce great art. For users at all levels, from beginners to veterans of digital graphic arts, this can be done easily. The important point is that DTG printers use raster design files to print, so Adobe Photoshop and similar programs are best suited for designing your T-shirt. PSD or PNG files (12 inches x 17 inches, 300 feet/hour) are usually used for DTG, so be sure to use programs that support transparent files. Since you can print any design directly using DTG printing technology, vector design of programs such as Illustrator or other vector programs traditionally used for screen printing is no longer required.

4.Looking for suppliers!
The most neglected fact when entering DTG business is that you need a high-quality product that not only provides value to your customers but also can print correctly with DTG printer. As an investment, it is a 100% victory-it can print out beautiful clothes and satisfy your customers. DTG printer is most suitable for high-quality clothing, such as ring-spun cotton and other tight weaving, which can obtain the best effect in the pretreatment and printing process. To ensure that you get the best price on the bl
ank T-shirt you choose, please be sure to contact the manufacturer and ask if you can open a wholesale account with them.

dtg printer

dtg printer

dtg printer

5. Buy a printer!
Although you can enter the outsourcing route through third-party services, it may be very expensive for your business and will cause you to miss out on potential funds, and the cost is high, resulting in extremely low-profit margins while maintaining competition with your pricing. Ideally, you need your own direct clothing printer to control your business by being able to print everything you need without losing all your potential revenue due to the high cost of outsourcing. When considering the use of DTG printer, not only the price but also the high-quality products should be considered in order to produce the best quality printouts for customers. You must also consider the production and maintenance costs of using DTG printers.

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2 thoughts on “How to make a business with DTG printer?

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